God Within
Edward Boccia
Purchase Prize Winner - 1980 Christ in Art Festival
Joseph and Jesus
Edward Boccia
Purchase Prize Winner - 1994 Christ in Art Festival
This oil painting of the often neglected Joseph, the foster-father of Jesus, seems to be offering the child to us as if to say, “This little one Mary and I have raised is really for you – the Savior of the world – the Savior of you and me. Accept Him and hold Him close to your heart!”
Our Church Rises Again
Rosemary Tissot
2009 Christ in Art Festival
In the words of the artist: - Hope. Where is hope? We pass hopefully through our lives. Hope is a driving force in our desires as we face growing up and all of the many changes in our lives. Never underestimate the power of hope. Hope becomes a part of life. Hope has emoting and conflicting power. I have a lot of hope for love. Helping activity of interested people follows hope.
The Last Supper
Carlos Mendes
For Us
Gwang Hyuk Rhee
Peace to All
Chuck Witcher
Cross in Remembrance
Ellen Bates
Purchase Prize Winner - 1986 Christ in Art Festival
This painting/assemblage represents the Lenten season and uses various materials symbolically. The stylized cross reminds us of Christ’s death and has three nails at each extremity.Above the cross we see three thorn branches somewhat entwined.At the center of the cross is the gold circle, representing the perfection and eternity of the Trinity. This is the focus and culmination of Christ’s sacrifice.
I Love this Church
Kathleen Barnes
Gathering Food
Dorothy Edscorn
HOPE - His One Presence Eternally
Nancy Grable
2009 Christ in Art Festival
One Touch
Ray Harvey
Purchase Prize Winner - 2009 Christ in Art Festival
A Path of Faith
Unknown origin
I Corinthians 15:55
Kent Addison
Purchase Prize Winner - 1977 Christ in Art Festival
“O death where is thy victory/ O death where is thy sting?”
This drawing/watercolor represents the festival of Easter. With the background of stars and moon, suggesting heaven/eternity, a keyhole architectural frame stands over the shrouded corpse of death. (The artist’s son was the model for the corpse.) On one side of the corpse is the scripture reference to St. Paul’s faith in the resurrection of the body through the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The key to the keyole of eternity is on the right side of death. Above the body are symbols of our promised eternal life in Christ: the Easter egg of new life, the butterfly which emerges from a caterpillar through the cocoon stage to a new form of life, super-0imposed upon the cross of Christ and the cube, the Holy of Holies symbol of God’s presence.
Four Art Prints He Qi (pronounced Huh Chee)
-donated by Judy Perry
- Praying at Gethsemane
- Woman Arriving at the Tomb
- The Risen Lord
- He is Risen
Geometrical blocks of imagery are reminiscent of stain glass windows. He Qi uses bold colors of modern art with Chinese folk art themes. He presents the familiar with unfamiliar elements, creating a dissonance or discrepancy and challenging perceptions.
A riot of colors and rich compositions are used to portray Jesus Christ as a messenger of peace and rejoicing.
He Qi was sent to the Chinese countryside during the Cultural Revolution in China. He escaped hard labor by painting likenesses of chairman Mao Zedong. He discovered a copy of Raphael’s Madonna & Child in an old magazine and began painting this secretly.
Thus began his life as an artist. He Qi became a Christian much later. It is an amazing connection of time and space: a 16th century Italian painting of a Christian theme speaks to a Chinese teenager, who becomes a Christian, studies art in Germany, and becomes a contemporary Christian artist. His images are used to illustrate Christian books, with exhibits worldwide. He Qi received 20th Century Award for Achievement in recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of Religious Art Theory and Christian Art Creation of IBC in Cambridge, UK
“We are living in a time where there is much violence. There is little peace. We need to listen to the voice of heaven.” - He Qi
Advent Still Life
Kent Addison
Purchase Prize Winner - 1983 Christ in Art Festival
This watercolor commemorates the Advent season, the beginning of the church year. The scroll of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” shows a traditional “O” hymn of Advent. The feather suggests the coming of the Holy Spirit upon Mary, and the annunciation. The purple theme is in keeping with the penitential color of the season. The nails connect the birth in a cradle to death on the cross. Most prominently, the trumpet heralds the coming of the savior.
Kathleen Barnes