Dominating the sanctuary is the Pentecost window, a wall of clear glass decorated in painted detail. The window portrays the Holy Trinity in abstracted forms, with overlapping webs representing fishing nets, which extends to the twelve panels below. We are all bound up in God’s web of life.
Symbols include: God the Father - hands of the Creator; Jesus Christ the Son - the blood red monogram, Chi Rho. Chi and rho (XP) are the first two letters of the Greek word for Christos. The vertical stroke of the rho intersects the center of the chi; Holy Spirit - dove; Tongues of fire - Day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit’s descent on the disciples in Jerusalem brought the Christian Church into being with a divine commission to evangelize the world; Fishing nets - symbol of Jesus ministry. The Church joins with the Triune God as “fishers of men”.
God’s guiding presence in many common pursuits of humanity are represented in the twelve panels beneath the Pentecost window. Each panel represents an aspect of human life. We are all bound up in God's web of life and the Church joins with the Triune God as “fishers of men,” women and children in every sector of our common life. The common pursuits of humanity represented are Science, Law & Government, Religion, Education, Building & Labor, Agriculture, Home & Family, Arts & Entertainment, Aviation & Space, Sports, Communication, and Medicine.
Home and Family
Law and Government
Building and Labor
Arts and Entertainment
Aviation and Space